Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Well, ignore what I said about a new blog. I was having technical difficulties, but I think I've resolved them. So... Here we are in Oaxaca. Monday is a non service day here, which was good for Cleo. Although she was feeling better, she needed to rest. Fortunate for us, the brother we rent from is a semi retired homeopathic doctor. When he found out Cleo was ill, he brought her up a little bottle of clear liquid to take by the spoonful every few hours. It must have worked, because she was eating Mexican by Monday night! Today was a service day. I found a young girl on her way out. I asked her in Spanish, " is there anyone here who speaks English, we have information to share in English?" She said back in English, "Yes, but do you have to do it now? I am leaving." I told her I could come back tomorrow and she told if I came at 10 she would be happy to talk about the tract I gave her. So I have my first rv!
We also went to the market and found a very good stand in for Starbucks. One of the appetizer/snack they eat her are chupilines, or fried grasshoppers. Haven't tried them yet, but Dave was tempted at the market.

1 comment:

  1. Yum Yum Grasshopper! Maybe if they were chocolate covered.

    Sorry you're ill Cleo hope you'll be chipper soon, if not already.

    Have a great time!! :)
