Monday, January 28, 2013

Settling In

 We made it! The trip here was for once uneventful. No lost passports, no delayed flights, no lost luggage. We didn't even have to have our luggage searched when we went through customs. We stayed in a bed and breakfast owned by a brother Thursday night and made it to Cuenca on Friday afternoon. By Saturday morning we were out in service with the group. Gretchen and I were talking to a young man when Austin came around the corner and recognized him as a call he got last year right before we left. Austin talked to him and set up a time to return to demonstrate the study. So, Austin got an RV on his first day out! LOL.  Saturday evening the Perrys and Schweitzers showed up. We got them settled into their apartment, which is in the same building as us. Sunday we went to meeting via the bus. It was so great to see everyone again. There were new faces, many were visitors from Ohio who were in for a wedding. The Watchtower Conductor asked everyone who commented to say their name and where they were from. After the 5th person said "Ohio"the brother (who is from Michigan) asked if the Ohio river was flooding again?! Everyone had a good laugh. One comment we heard more than once from the friends we made here was, "It is so great to see someone actually come back. Many friends say they are, but things happen in the meantime and they don't get to return."
  Sunday afternoon we took the  Perrys and Schweitzers for their inaugural grocery shopping experience. Sorry everybody, I didn't get any pictures of that. Today we went to the Mercado and rested up a bit. We have the Circuit Overseers visit this week so we will have a busy week ahead of us. Our neighbors in the apartment next door are missionaries, Jennifer and Eric. They went to  Gilead in 1995 and have been serving in Ecuador in the Spanish field. They were just moved to Cuenca one month ago. We look forward to getting to know them. I'll be sure and post pictures later.

 This is my first morning out in service in Cuenca. The sister with me is Gretchen. She and her family are from Michigan. They have been here for about 2 years. We partnered up for the morning and realized we not only perfectly matched each other but the flowers as well.
 This some of the mosaic work they do in the city of Guayaquil on the underpass supports.
 We were waiting to be taken to the bus station and Cleo decided to entertain us with her smokin Ukulele skills.
 This is taken at the Miami Airport, waiting for our connecting flight. Doesn't Cleo look like an angel with the sun shining on her sleeping face?
 Sunday morning on our way to the Kingdom Hall. A first Ecuadorian Bus ride for some!
My typical breakfast here, fresh fruit and yogurt with my green tea of course!


  1. So glad to hear that everyone made it there safe and sound. Give all of our brothers and sisters, local and need great-ers, our love from Ky. An RV on the first go Austin! Angel face Cleo....ok! Enjoy! Keep posting....

  2. Look forward to all your great experiences!
    Have a great time!!
    You are all a great encouragement to me.
    Keep up the good work.
    Lots of Joy, Love M.Shelton
